Spirit into Form Cherionna Sills
A Child is Born Lennart Nilson
Healing Trauma Peter Levine PH.D.
Waking the Tiger Peter Levine
Polarity Therapy 1&2 Randolph Stone DC, DO, NP
Health Building Randolph Stone
Polarity Process Franklyn Sills
Energy Exercises John Chitty & Mary Louise Muller
Reviving Ophelia Mary Pipher PH, D
The Verbally Abusive Relationship Patricia Evens
MAP Medical Assistance Program Machaelle Small Wright
Myth of Normal Gabor Mate, MD
DEntal Herbalizm Leslie Alexander PH,D
Job's Body Deane Juhan
Holographic Universe Michael Talbot
Wholeness and the Implicate Order David Bohm
Mass Dreams of the Future Snow & Whamback
Visceral Manipulation Barrel & Mercier
Contributions of Thought William G.Sutherland DO
Life in Motion Rollen Becker DO
Cranial Therapy and the Energetic Body Roger Gilchrist, MA
Craniosacral Biodynamics Franklyn Sills
The Conscious Art of Living CRCS Publications
The Big Book of Alcoholics Annonymous
Heart of Listening Hugh Milne
Teaching in the Science of Osteophathy William G. Sutherland, DO
Atlas of Human Anatomy Netter, MD
Ajurvedic Cookbook Amadea Morningstar
Chi Nei Tsang Mantak and Maneewan Chia